Now that Victoria (my wheel) and I have become well acquainted, we have been spending some nice quality time together.
My other wheel being occupied, I needed to come up with projects for Victoria and I to do together. This resulted in me going through my studio and collecting every piece of roving surplus and making a nice big pile. I figured that an idea would come to me when I saw all the fiber together and it did! "I'll use it all!"
So I decided to make a multi-colored single taking advantage of all the colors and various fibers in my stash. While spinning, I came up with the name Studio Mosaic which seemed perfect since I was assembling small pieces of colored material from my studio.

So here is my first Studio Mosaic. I had so much fun making it, I've already got another one drying and a third in production. This one weighs 1.5 oz and measures 100 yds. It's a single and a little heavier than a sport and lighter than a worsted, so I think it would best be described as a light worsted.
This yarn is such a blend that I wasn't sure how it would feel, so I was really happy to have it turn out nice and soft. I guess I shouldn't be surprised since most of the fibers are soft, like Merino, Tussah Silk, Alpaca, Mohair. There are also a couple fibers with a little more texture like Romney, but the silky fibers seem to prevail.
I think this yarn will appeal to the fiber lovers out there. I hope they will enjoy encountering all of the different colors and textures as they work with my Studio Mosaic Yarn.
Ooo i just love your yarn, I'm just learning to spin and only on a drop spindle at the moment but having so much fun trying lol
Hi Karen! I think the drop spindle is the perfect place to start spinning. I feel like I did it backwards by starting off on a low end wheel. I wondered why anyone would drop spindle when they could be using a wheel. That's before I tried drop spindle spinning. Now I own 2 wheels and 5 drop spindles. LOL!
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