Hello, I don't seem to be very productive at Wind Rose this week, so I thought I'd share a little something different today. I have a son who loves to draw. When I buy paper for my printer at home, I buy an extra ream to put up in my son's room. That's right, I supply him 500 pages at a time and that doesn't count the two different sizes of construction paper that he likes. Believe it or not, it only takes him two or three months at the most to use up all of that paper. The result is piles and piles of artwork!
I don't save every piece, but I do save a lot of it. It's like a time line of his life. His art represents everything he's interested in and everything on his mind. It dates back to his early childhood and has become a journal of sorts. It's who he is. The only problem is, "How do I keep the volumes of drawings organized?"
I was shopping for school supplies a couple months ago (we start early here) and I got an idea. I bought a 2" three ring binder and a couple hundred page protectors. It's perfect for all of his smaller pieces and his drawings done on printer paper. I've already filled one binder an have two more waiting. FYI, Staples sells the sheet protectors in bulk for a good price.
It's a simple sounding solution, but it's been great. He has enjoyed flipping through his own artwork which used to be stacked up in a drawer. It was also great when the grandparents came for a visit. They could sit on the couch with him and see his art just like looking at a photo album. I like that all of his work is better preserved and protected. Someday, when he's all grown up, maybe he'll have fun showing his own children what he did as a kid!
Have a great day! See you tomorrow.
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