Here they are! Three new sparkling colors of Firestar have just made their way into both of my shops! These three are all in the same family, but each has their own distinctive hue. One the left is Red Violet. I have always loved this color so I don't know why I haven't dyed it before. In the middle is Maroon. This new color sparked the other two. As it so often happens here at Wind Rose Fiber Studio, a customer request sent me into the dye kitchen in search of a certain shade. This maroon color will soon be used to add sparkle to some felted dark poinsettias. Finally, on the right is Cabernet. This color is right in between the other two and has a nice softness about it perhaps like a good glass of wine. So check them out by clicking on the word link to go to Wind Rose on Etsy and the photos to go to Wind Rose on ArtFire. The Red Violet and Maroon will become permanent members to my inventory. I'm not sure about the Cabernet yet. I guess it depends on how well liked it becomes.
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