I thought I'd share one of the more interesting custom requests with you. I had a customer who is weaving a tapestry and wanted mottled colors. She spins her own yarn as she weaves, designing the yarn as a painter blends colors on a palette. She used Crayola crayon colors as a universal reference, and my job was to dye mottled roving is the appropriate hues.
I have to admit that this took me out of my dyeing comfort zone. I've spent so much time perfecting my dyeing to create even shades. I've come to think of mottled colors as my mess ups. I've always enjoyed the occasional mistake roving, because as a spinner, variegated fibers are fun. It seemed funny to me that when asked to intentionally "mess up", I was nervous. Could I mess up just the right way? I had to think about this.
In the end I went with my own take on a spiral dyeing technique and the results were just what my customer was hoping for. I was relieved although part of me was hoping she wouldn't like the green. I wanted it! I might just have to mottle some more!
These look really fun and I bet they would make great needlefelting... :)
Such pretty colors . . .
Those look fantastic! Isn't it great how custom orders challenge us?
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