I decided to buckle down and get my pattern finished today. So here it is, my completed 1895 Miser's Purse Pattern. I'm thrilled with this little project and I can't wait to make them as gifts. They are just so unique and endearing; the perfect place to keep your little treasures!
I decided to keep the beaded trim and have included that in the pattern notes as well. I think the purse looks cute with or without beads, but the original has steel beads so I decided to go for it.
I think the Miser's Purse could look great in so many variations. I'd love to see it in a variegated fiber or with embroidered flowers. This is a project where you can let your own personality shine! I guess I've said that before, but it's so true!

I almost forgot! Here's the first generation picture that inspired it all. A BIG Thank You to Iva Rose Vintage Reproductions for their wonderful help in supplying me with images. If you love these vintage patterns as much as I do, Iva Rose is an incredible resource. You'll feel transported in time!
This is my third vintage inspired pattern. Writing them is a lot of work, but I'm having such a great time exploring these designs. Now I just have to decide what to make next!
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