Hello everyone! I'm back with Part III. Today we will be assembling the top half of our Mini Muks by joining our SQs and ∆s. I have a bunch of pictures to guide us through the process.
Before we get started, take a look at the picture to the right. You can see that the SQs are turned so that their corners point north, south, east and west like a diamond. This is true of all three SQs for each leg. Two of the SQs make up the front and back of the leg and the third covers the top of the foot.
Now look at how the triangles play into the design. At the top you can see that the sides of two of the triangles (one facing you and one on the other side of the leg) make up the circumference of our boots. If you were wondering why we increased and then decreased in the first two rows of the triangles, it was in part to add just a little more width to the sides of these triangles. It also promotes the round shaping.
OK, enough study time. I just think it helps to take a good look at the model before starting the process ourselves. Ready?
Part III

In this picture they are roughly lined up so that you can see how they will ultimately come together. We will do all of our joining on the wrong side of our shapes. Have a couple safety pins handy. You may find it useful to pin the sides your are working on together.
Step 1
In this step, we will be joining the SQ with no ∆s to the SQ with 4 ∆s creating the front and back of the top part of our Mini Muks.

I have labeled all of the pictures I'm using today to help walk us through the joining process. If you have trouble reading a picture, click on it to view a larger image.

Joining one side of a ∆ to one side of a SQ: (We will be eyeballing where to place our sts along the side of the ∆. There will be a total of 12 sts.) Insert your hook through the side of the triangle at one point and through the st just left of the corner st of the SQ. YO and draw up a loop, YO and draw through the loop on your hook. Now your ready to sc across.

Sc in same st as joining, sc going through the same st on the SQ but in the next st on the ∆. (Remember, when we joined the ∆s to the SQs in Part II, Row I had us work 2 sc in the first and last sts. Now we are doing the opposite by decreasing over the first two stiches of the ∆) sc in next 8 sts working through the sts on the SQ and evenly placing your sts along the side of the ∆, sc in last st of the SQ and in second to last st from the corner of the ∆. Sc through the same st on the SQ and through the last st on the ∆. Do not finish off.

Step 2
Now we'll be attaching the next two sides in the same way. Remember not to finish off when you are done sc across.

Now you have two sides attached. The pictures below show what the right side and wrong side of your piece look like.

Now we are going to take care of the two unworked corner sts on our two SQs. For each remaining loop, insert the hook and sc the two corner sts together. Remove the hook and pull the tail end of your butterfly through the loop to form a slip knot.

Now tie these two ends together with a square knot. (A square knot is made like the beg. of a shoelace tie done twice. First right over left and then left over right) Finish by weaving in your ends and cutting off any excess.

I don't typically use knots in my work, but these Mini Muk Luks are designed to last. I've been wearing the same pair for five years now they are still holding up great!
Step 3
Now we will be joining the last two unworked sides of our SQ with the sides of the ∆s indicated in the pictures. If you haven't used those safety pins yet, I think they are useful on this step.

Fold your piece as shown in the picture so that the two SQs are lined up with the right sides facing each other.

Now fold the ∆s in so that the sides to be joined are lined up. Grab those safety pins and pin your two sides to be joined. Now you don't have to think about it any more. Use your butterflies to join your sides just as you did before in steps 1 and 2. Finish them off in the same way by sc in the corner sts of the SQs with each end and then making a square knot. Weave in your loose ends and trim any excess.

After you complete your joining, turn your piece right side out. The completed steps 1-3 create a symmetrical shape. It doesn't matter which side you use for the front or back or which end becomes the top or the bottom.
Step 4
We have one join left to make. Now we are going to join the SQ with 2 ∆s to our completed steps 1-3 piece.

Line the two pieces up as shown in the pictures. Flip up the SQ with 2 ∆s up so that it lines up with the other SQ and their right sides are facing each other. Fold the ∆s back so that the are lined up with the unworked sides of the triangles from completed steps 1-3.

Joining one side of a ∆ to another side of a ∆: Using your remaining butterfly, working through both ∆s, 12 sc evenly across first two ∆s, sc in unworked corner sts of the two SQs, 12 sc evenly across last two ∆s. Finish off and weave in tail end.

So that's it! You did it! You have just completed the most confusing part of this project. It's all downhill from here!
We have just two more parts to go. In Part IV we will be working on our soles. Look through your fabric stash or head to your local craft store for a couple pieces of suede, faux suede or any fabric that will both reinforce our soles and keep them from being too slippery. You don't need very much. I often see leather pieces being marketed in pairs just for projects like this. I have some fabric made from recycled plastic that I like to use. You'll also need either some embroidery floss or strong thread and a needle. I like my thread to match my soles.
Mini Muk Luks - Part III Companion Video
That's all for today. Comment on this post if you need any help or on one of the Ravelry threads. I'll see you on April 8 with Part IV.
Hi, I'm working your patterna and I've got the cuff dome for part 3. It's a little snug.
I started out with the wrong size hook but my center square worked out to about your gauge. I think I have fat ankles! :(
I'm wondering if I could adjust here somehow and what you'd suggest.
I love making these!
Hi Kathryn. I'm sorry it took me a few days to see your comment. I've been kind of scratching my head trying to think of something you could do. It's kind of hard to make size adjustments once you have the parts assembled. Are you doing both boots at once? I was just thinking that if you are doing one at a time, it wouldn't be too terrible to go back and either add a row to the triangles or do and extra row of sc around the squares.
When you get to Part IV and you are shaping the sole, the pattern does increase to accommodate the heel. Finished muk luks kind of feel like real boots when you are putting them on. They fit a little closer just above the heel, but of course you don't want them to be tight.
The only other thing I can think to try is to maybe wet your yarn and see if it will stretch a little for you. If all else fails, you have a good present for someone with a smaller foot. Niece? LIttle sis?
I hope it works out!
I'm so glad I kept going, when I first saw my triangles and squares I thought I messed up, but this def put it all together...thank you!
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