I had a customer come and visit this weekend with a link to the purchase she had made from my shop almost a year ago! I am so grateful to every customer, but there is something just so cool about people liking what you do enough to come back for more. The color she was looking for happened to be one I haven't dyed for a while.
That color was Sarsaparilla. Now I have to admit, that this is not the color I think of when I imagine Sarsaparilla. It neither resembles the plant nor the soda pop, but it is the name of the dye color made by Landscapes Dyes. Maybe Australians think of Sarsaparilla differently. Even so, it's a beautiful shade and how fun to see the way each fiber takes to the same dye. In this picture I have Soy Silk, Merino, Alpaca and Firestar. Can you tell which one is which?
wow! Gorgeous! :)
That's a gorgeous color!
great color!
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