It's a quiet Saturday afternoon here at Wind Rose Fiber Studio. My big plan for the rest of the day is to finish my current spinning project while listening to an audio book. I finally broke down and bought Eat, Pray, Love.
Before I go off and enjoy what should be some nice, peaceful time, I have to get a little whining off my chest. I'm a sad spinner right now because my wheel has developed a squeak. The wood that connects my treadles on my DT Louet S10 Wheel is rubbing and making an annoying squeak. I can adjust it and get a few minutes of relief, but then the squeak returns. There doesn't seem to be a permanent fix for the problem which has me daydreaming about a new wheel even though this one still performs just fine.
For me, the whole point of spinning is how relaxing and therapeutic it feels and this squeak is affecting my bliss. Anyway, I just wanted to cry out to the understanding world of fellow artisans; the people who I know can understand things like this. Thanks for listening!

Oh, before I go, I'll share my project with you. I have one singles yarn completed spun from this very colorful, hand painted Merino wool. On my other spool I'm spinning some straight black Merino. Then I'll ply the two together creating a sport weight 2ply. I plan on calling this skein Stained Glass because I'm using the black to offset the color of the variegated yarn. It reminds me of the lead joining colorful panes of glass. I hope it will be pretty.
Have a great weekend everybody!
Try linseed oil. It helps my squeaking:).
Thanks. My husband just lubed up my wheel, so hopefully it will shush down.
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