I had a very nice woman from Ravelry ask me about my Muk Luks. It made me realize it was probably time to get busy and actually making listings for them in my shop. So now there is an official Muk Luks section at Wind Rose Fiber Studio in my ArtFire shop. I only have four pair, but now they are available to buy. I still plan to donate the pair I made from our Mini Muk Luk Crochet-Along. I think they would make a nice Spirit Jump.
I was wondering if you were selling a pattern for these muk luks?
Hi, I have this pattern available for free right here on my blog:
Thanks for your interest! :D
Do you have a pattern for the taller brown and turqoise/blue Muk Luks Boots?
I absolutely love that design. My E-Mail is Godzchozen67@gmail.com or Hayn4life@comcast.net Your designs are unique. Thank you so much for your talent, free patterns and your time...
Hi, The pattern is in process. I'll be announcing it here on the blog.
Oops, I meant to leave this link:
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