While I wait for my Coopsworth locks, I'm keeping busy by stocking up the shop with plenty of color. Here are the four most recent shades of Merino listed at Wind Rose. There's Chartreuse on top and from left to right we have Sapphires, Soft Yellow and Bright Orange.
I also listed some extra Firestar in both Chartreuse and Soft Yellow for those of you who love that *sparkle!
Hello! so i am a big fan of your blog, wanted to let you know that i read it every day and find what you post supper helpful. i am a new fiber artist, and i am about to move to a place where a pastor throughs away his sheeps wool to the garbage. i have offered to take it of his hands. unfortunalty this year i will be away during the season and i have to pay someone to wash and dry and store the wool for me. so i am trying to organize all that. i was hopping i could ask you some questions. if you don't mind! would you know where i can find out how much volume aproxamet one sheep can give of wool? i have to find a place to store it. and to calculate. i can't find much info on wieght or volume. if you have any info i'd turley apreciate it!!! cheers, lola
Hi Lola,
Thank you so much for reading my blog! You are so lucky to find such a source for fleece! It's a lot of work, but to get it for free is awesome.
Yearling fleeces are somewhere in the 2.5 to 3.5lb range whereas an adult fleece tends to run 4 to 5 pounds. Volume is harder. I'm going to take an educated guess and say 1.5 to 2 cubic feet per fleece.
It's been a while since I worked with whole fleeces so if anyone reads this and has better information, please share and I won't get my feelings hurt.
~ Jenn
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