Hi, quick post today. I just wanted to share four more colors of Mohair Top that I've dyed for my shop. I just listed Turquoise, Gypsy Wine, Emerald and Silver.
That's all for mohair. I think I'm moving on to soy silk, plus I have a few colors of Merino I need to dye. Tomorrow is the first day of school for my kiddos and I have my Tuesday Crochet Class to get ready for, so it will probably be midweek before I have more dyeing done.
I'm also still working on my Regensburg Scarf Pattern. The pattern is actually finished, but I found a verbal mistake in my companion video, so I need to shoot a short segment and do a little editing. I also need to take a few more pics. It's hard to find the time to do all of these little things!
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