I had to post this picture because I had fun making this collage. I'm happy that I thought to take pictures from the carder to the roving, then on to the spinning wheel and finally the finished yarn. It would have been even sweeter if I had photographed the dyeing process.
I've started making these collections of pictures since joining in the Ravelry Tour de Fleece prize threads. You're only allowed one picture and it wasn't long before collages started to appear. I said to myself, "Hey, I want to do that too!" I'm like a kid. If I see someone else has a lollipop, I want one!
I use a Mac so I have employed pages to bring my pictures together. I could also overlap them if I wanted to and add text. After I have my page how I want it, I save it as a pdf. Then I toss it into Skitch because it's an easy way to save it and get a jpg version. Afterward, I can load it up to Facebook or Flickr, you name it.
One more quick note on the Tour de Fleece. It warms my heart to see all of the spinning out there. When people find out I spin yarn I often get raised eyebrows and comments like, "Not too many people do that, do they?" Well maybe we are a smaller group, but not that small! The Ravelry Tour de Fleece group alone has 2,801 spinners and new ones joining every day. I think that is so awesome! The best thing about this event is being in the fabulous company of my fellow spinners!
First off: I love that yarn, very pretty!
Secondly: I'm participating in the TdF too and I'm amazed at all the talented spinners in that group alone. I personally love getting the comments from people who think I must be the last person alive who still spins yarn!
Spinn on!!
I love the collage and I really need to add my photos to the prize thread...Great job!
I love your collage! Seeing the steps of the process is always so neat! The yarn looks wonderful!
Lovely :)
i just loved that piece of yarn, it looks so smooth and so good, i wish i could touch it.
:D I wonder what the prizes are? Could you tell me please? I just may enter Ravelry next year!!♥
The prizes are all fiber. Usually around 4oz of roving. You get to choose from different shops that donate and many of them sell hand painted wool. Pretty stuff!
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