Thursday, December 4, 2008

Creative Connections

I'm kind of just in the mood to ramble a little bit tonight. For the last couple of weeks it's been difficult to find time to do my creative work. It has placed me in a bit of a funk. After all, I call my business Wind Rose for a reason. Creativity is how I keep myself on course. I feel lost without it, but today I had the next best thing.

Today I got a convo (Etsy mail) from someone who had just purchased her first drop spindle. Her excitement about learning to spin really came through in her message. I was able to give her some advice and guide her toward fiber that I thought she would enjoy working with and that would be good for someone just starting out. She thanked me and bought some of what I recommended. Touched by her enthusiasm, I put a few presents in her package, some samples of mohair, soy silk, merino and firestar. It made me really happy to think of her opening her bubble mailer to find not only what she ordered, but these colorful additions.

So on a day that has included a frenzy of house cleaning, working on homework projects, tending to my swollen knee and the bedtime discovery that one of my kids may very well have the chicken pox, there was this special interaction. For a few minutes I got to connect with someone with a like passion and maybe even help her a little on her creative journey. It's one of the coolest aspects of Etsy. On any day, in any given moment, you could find yourself connecting with someone anywhere in the world. It's amazing. See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

agoodwitchtoo said...

Ahhh! Connections like that are great!