I hope everyone had a wonderful day yesterday. I always love spending the day at home with my boys. By the afternoon we had all settled into our favorite activities. My 9 year old was busy building a huge Lego castle. My 12 year old was fixed in front of the Wii. My husband was happily watching football. With all the men in my life entertained, I slipped into my studio for a little reorganization.
Maybe I'm crazy, but organizing is fun for me. I'm surrounded by all of my materials, my iPod playing for company, and I just get to work. I love to start a new year feeling like everything is in place and I have to be honest, my studio was in need of some attention. This picture is of the back wall of my studio. My big innovation was to elevate my organizers freeing up more wall space. That way my bins of dyed fibers could have their own wall. This is a much nicer situation than the previous one of having them in the middle of the floor.
So I can see the floor of my studio again! I even have actual work space in there now. Imagine that! Merry Christmas to me!
Also, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be away from my studio for a few days. I always keep Wind Rose open for business and my shop announcement has all the details. Any orders placed today up until 3:00pm will ship out today. After that, items purchased between Dec. 27-30 will ship on the 31st. Feel free to stake your claim to your favorite fibers while I'm gone and thanks for your understanding. Even us fiber obsessed types need an occasional holiday.
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