Here he is! My little tatted sea turtle. I was trying to wait for the sun to come out so I could take a good picture, but it looks like that isn't going to happen for a couple more days. I guess a few shadows never hurt anyone.
So this is the pattern I was talking about. I couldn't quite manage it when I first started tatting. I didn't even really know how to read tatting patterns yet. I guess I thought I'd just jump in, but this little turtle made me realize I had to learn the basics first.
I found this pattern online at Handy Hands Tatting. The pattern they have listed is for Tortoise Earrings. I thought the tortoises were cute, so I wanted to try to make one. I chose to make mine more of a pendant size. Mine measures 2.5 by 1.5 inches. I also chose disc shaped beads to give him more of a sea turtle look. I think it would be cute to thread a necklace through one of the front flippers so that the turtle would hang at an angle.
This was such a fun pattern and it makes me want to design my own little creatures. I'm keep forgetting that I'm new to tatting. I sit down thinking I'll just whip out a design and then I keep having to frog my work. Slow down Jenn. It will come!
adorable!!! now if i could figure out how to crochet on a small scale, maybe i could figure out how to make one of the crochet rugs :) in a turtle shape!!! how cute would that be for my son's bathroom???? :D
Do you have the pattern? It is no longer on Handy Hands website.
I don't have the pattern and it is not mine to share. Did you try inquiring at Handy Hands? If you search to tatted turtle patterns, you may find something similar. I hope you are able to find what you are looking for. Jenn :D
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