This afternoon the doorbell rang and when I saw the big box and realized what was inside... well, I simply can't tell you how excited I was. I still am.
It's Jacob Swirl Time here at Wind Rose Fiber Studio!
I love wool. You know that, but nothing makes my gush like this spectacularly milled fiber. I'm so thankful for Peg, my favorite shepherdess, for having her gorgeous fleece processed this way!
If you like, check out my post from June 26, 2009 to see a picture these amazing sheep and learn a little more about them.
Now if you remember this roving from last year (pictured in purple box), you may be thinking that this wool looks a little different. You are absolutely right. Last year it was swirled so that the darker colors were on the outside and this year it has been processed the other way around. It's like white woolen candy with a surprise inside!

I wish I could offer this roving all year, but the demand tends to be greater than the supply. Last year I was out of stock by the end of the summer. I list small quantities at a time in my Etsy shop, so if you would like for me to make a larger listing for you, just contact me through Wind Rose.
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