I've been thinking about nylon today mostly because I'm doing a custom dye job for someone. I wonder though, have you ever considered nylon?
At a time when sock knitting seems so popular, what kind of yarn are people using and spinning for their projects?
I started carrying Snow Mountain (nylon roving) at Wind Rose sort of out of curiosity. As a spinner, I like experiencing lots of different fibers. I also wanted to offer a fiber that would work well in the warmer months. Moving to Arizona makes you think about these things.
I prefer natural fibers; wool, cotton, soy silk, but there are times when a little nylon really comes in handy. Blending a small amount of nylon with your wool can help with projects where shape and elasticity are important like the socks I mentioned before. It can be nice to add a little for hats and gloves too, just to help them maintain their fit over time.
As for warm weather, you want tank tops and accessories that breathe and are cooler next to your skin. Some brave creative types have even been known to knit or crochet their own swimsuits. I can't think of a more crucial time for a little nylon! LOL! What's also great is that it dyes easily with acid reactive dyes and is very color fast. It's easy to wash and care for too.
I was just wondering. Have you ever considered nylon?
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