I'm probably a little late getting on the holiday bus this year, but I'm here and I'm trying to fill up Wind Rose Fiber Studio with great gift possibilities.
I've been making my Drop Spindle Kits for a few months now, but it occurred to me that some people might like to just buy a drop spindle without all of the roving. For some, they may already have a nice stock of wool just waiting to be spun. Others might like to select their own wool and goodness knows I have plenty of that to choose from.
I was just going to list the plain drop spindle and then I couldn't bring myself to offer it without at least including the directions I wrote for my kits and a leader cord. So that's what I did. Otherwise, the Top Whorl Drop Spindle is 9 inches long with a 2.5" whorl and weighs 1.8oz. Drop Spindles make a wonderful gift for anyone who enjoys crafting. Kids love them too. Often when I'm visiting with friends or at the park, I'll take an extra drop spindle. There is always a boy or girl who doesn't quite know what to do and that's when I bring out my spindle and a little roving. It's amazing how much time kids will spend with this simple wooden activity. It warms my heart!
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