I had to take a close-up of my handspun yarn that I'm using because I don't have much of a scarf yet. In fact, I'm on row 2... again! I have started over with this project, um... well it's got to be at least three times. Who knew that what would keep me from being a knitting success is my ability, or lack thereof, to count! So maddening! It feels utterly ridiculous to lose count and I've only made things harder on myself by using a lace weight rather than a worsted. The thread is fine enough that sometimes I mistake two stitches for one and I have to keep going back to correct myself.

You can see I've resorted to using multiple, colorful stitch markers. lol! I'll do anything to at this point to get myself back on track. So that's what I've been up to. I like to keep it real here on my blog. It's more fun to post about my successes than my frustrations, but it feels cathartic to let them out. Hopefully, by sharing my challenges, I can bond with my fellow beginners. Solidarity!
so, stitch markers help you keep count? If so, then I need to get me some of those....lol I keep looking at my knitting, but I have gotten myself into a project that is not allowing me any time to knit. Hopefully in a couple of weeks I will be all caught up. I am going to keep up with your knitting and feel better knowing I'm not the only one that seems to start over and over.......
There is comfort in company! :D
I'm just learning to knit too! I've done 3 scarves and 3 felted bowls. I hope to cast on a real pattern soon.
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