It's not easy getting back into the swing of things after two back to back trips. I'm doing my best to keep my inventory stocked. I've also been working hard on my new ArtFire shop. It is a lot of work getting everything organized and listing all of my handmade items.
Today I listed these two vibrant shades of Merino, Turquoise and Chartreuse. Now that Wind Rose Fiber Studio is both at ArtFire and Etsy, I'm more motivated than ever to have both shops be full of roving in a wide variety of colors and fibers. I think in the end my customers will benefit. If I'm out of something at one store, chances are you may find it at the other. I'm always happy to transfer listings from one shop to the other. I know people get attached to their favorite venues. You don't have to go to the products, I'll bring them to you.

I also listed a bunch of Firestar today. Once again, they are available at either location. There's Amethyst, Twilight, Silver, Slate, Yellow Gold and Antique Gold. To keep things organized, the name links will take you to my Etsy Shop and if you click on the pictures, they will take you to the ArtFire Store.
If you want to see some of the other things I make, keep an eye on Wind Rose at Artfire. Starting now and into the future, this will be the home for all of my handmade as well as my handspun yarn. I actually have many things in my studio that are just waiting to be listed. Everyday there will be new things to see!
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