Here at Wind Rose Fiber Studio: http://windrose.etsy.com
Or at Wind Rose Art Yarn: http://windroseyarn.etsy.com
Or at Wind Rose Boutique: http://windroseboutique.etsy.com
The Gift Certificate is printed on bright green paper and comes with its own envelope. It can be mailed to you or directly to the recipient. If you would like your Gift Certificate sent to a different address, please leave that information in the message to seller at the time of purchase.
All the information needed for redeeming this Gift is located right on the Gift Certificate. The recipient will also receive a business card with additional contact information in case they have any questions.
If you would like to purchase a Gift Certificate for an amount other than the ones offered, please contact me and I'll be happy to make a custom listing for you.
For all the details, check out the listings at Wind Rose Fiber Studio. See you tomorrow!
Very cool! I just started Gift Certificates in my shop as well last Friday. I had a giveaway going on for a $20 gift certificate and after I made the gift certificate for the giveaway I got so excited and just kept making them lol! They have so much potential! Best of luck with yours!!
I have been thinking about GCs too...I have heard of ppl doing codes and things...but I like your actual GC - more personal. v.cool
and totally unrealted...the word verification is almost naughty "focke"
Something I've been meaning to do myself :) I love the personal touch of the actual GC too! WOOT!
(PS... my word verification isn't even half as amusing as TiLT's)
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