Thursday, September 13, 2012

Baby Girl Christmas Hat

My cousin is about to have her first baby this December and I couldn't be happier for her and her husband. This is turning out to be a year of babies for my friends and family which means I am revisiting some of my favorite old baby designs.  

I first made this hat about 7 or 8 years ago for a friend and neighbor back when I lived in Virginia.  She has a little boy and was trying to describe a hat shape that she liked.  On a piece of paper she sketched what was basically a square and explained how the points would stick up when the hat was sitting on someone's head.  It sounded like a cute idea, so after taking a few measurements, I set out to make my own version of this hat.

Well, I've been making these little hats ever since.  They are just so cute and whimsical.  For girls I scallop the brim and make loopy flowers at the points.  for boys I make the brim straight and make loopy pom-poms instead of flowers.  This one is a holiday version as you can see.  I also like to make them with red and white stripes.  I think this is a sweet first Christmas design.

This hat looks great in everything from pastels to primary colors.  I've chosen a bouclé for this project, but other textures look great too.  From furry to flat, the possibilities abound.  I had to work this hat up my my own, ancient, chicken scratch.  I was old school back then, walking around scribbling ideas in a journal.  It's time I preserve this design with a proper pattern! 


christmas cap said...

I truly like to reading your post. Thank you so much for taking the time to share such a nice information. This kind of hats is specially made for Christmas.

Sue said...

I would really love to get this pattern from you. I love it. Let me know if this is available somehow.
thanks, Sue

Jenn said...

Hi Sue,

I started writing this pattern before Christmas and then got swept away in the rush of the season. It's my sincere goal to get this pattern written as well as a few others. I don't want to promise it by a certain date, but what I can promise is that I'll put in on the top of my list.

If you happen to be on Facebook and like the Wind Rose Fiber Studio page, I often give updates on my personal projects there. I also announce special offers on fb. If not, I always post new patterns here as well. I hate to keep you waiting, but it should be ready in plenty of time for the next holiday season.

Thanks so much for your interest!
