Yup, I've been blocked! There's no other explanation for the lack of writing from August 4th until today. Countless times I've come into my office, pulled up my blog, sat down to write and had my mind go blank. "Nothing", I think to myself, "I have nothing interesting to say."
The silly thing is that it's not as if life has come to a screeching halt over the last two weeks. I'm still teaching my crochet class, my head is still full of project ideas and I've even dyed 16 batches of Merino wool in an effort to keep my inventory at Wind Rose complete.
Maybe I needed to get away. I just spent a weekend with my family back in Virginia and enjoyed a rare afternoon with first, second and even third cousins, some of whom I was meeting for the first time. Among the crowd of jolly visitors was my cousin Mike. Not only is he a first, but he's truly a one of a kind. You may be blessed with a similar character among your people. He is the story teller with the free spirit and contagious laugh, but there is only one Mike.
Somehow Mike has become a reader of my little fiber blog and his interest and encouragement have finally broken my block! So thank you Mike for inspiring me to think creatively again and to enjoy my writing, interesting or not! Fascinatingly enough, the moment you "get over yourself" so to speak, the words start flowing again.
This leads me to the introduction I would like to present today. I've been sharing about my volunteer work this summer, but in essence, what it really is, is a crochet class. I thought it might be interesting for anyone learning to crochet or for others who already crochet and are thinking about teaching the craft, to following along on the process of putting a crochet class together. So coming up, starting later today as I have a lesson I need to prepare for tomorrow, I'll take you with me from picking a project to gathering materials and finally figuring out how to present it.
So I'll see you soon!
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